
They've done their best.

― independent, private, selective Audra Colm from Final Fantasy XIV as written by her player

.    ONE.    . Always ask for consent. Be 100% clear about your intentions and seek permission if you intend to engage in ERP or MRP with Audra. Communication is key..    TWO.    . While communicating with Audra, you may speak out-of-character (OOC) using brackets. Try to keep out-of-character communication focused if in the middle of a session unless requesting clarification or communicating..    THREE.    . Please avoid presumptive actions, god-modding, or meta-gaming. It can be a dampener on the scenario and ruin any form of interest..    FOUR.    . Much of Audra's roleplaying is improvised, however if you would like to do something scripted, please don't hesitate to say so! Scripted can be just as, if not more, fun!.    FIVE.    . Audra's player reserves the right to stop interacting at any time for any reason.

.    SIX.    . If marked Busy/In Party, please do not interact with Audra. Audra's player may be streaming on various sites while attempting to complete content. No RP actions or behavior will be shown or displayed on stream, for your security and the player's..    DISCLAIMER.    .Audra's player is not perfect, can misread a message, can be confused by intent, and may also get distracted by messages on social media. That does not mean the player is not interested in the scene, or being purposefully contradictory (unless they are because it makes sense in the moment), this is just Audra's player being human and dealing with various distractionsAudra's player has been part of the RP community for an extended time, and is pretty open to almost any sort of RP content, however anything approaching dark or possibly problematic needs to be negotiated/discussed first.

.    IN CHARACTER =/= OUT OF CHARACTER.    . If Audra is upset with you, that is not Audra's player. If Audra is attracted to you, that is not Audra's player. Do not take anything personally, and if you're uncomfortable with how things are going, please inform Audra's player. The players cannot fix it or change it if you do not communicate..    BRIEF NOTE    .If you're ever uncertain, please just ask. It's safer and we can make sure we're all on the same page


She no longer believed anyone, and she no longer believed in herself either.

― independent, private, selective Audra Colm from Final Fantasy XIV as written by her player

.    FULL NAME.    .    Unknown
.    ALSO KNOWN AS.    .    Audra Colm
.    D.O.B. + AGE    .    18th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon | 35
.    GENDER.    .    female
.    PRONOUNS.    .    she/they
.    ORIENTATION.    .    panromantic/pansexual
.    OCCUPATION.    .    Informant, Cafe Owner
.    SPECIES.    .    Miqo'te

.    BIRTHPLACE.    .    South Shroud, Eorzea
.    CURRENT HOME.    .    Empyreum, Ishgard
.    LANGUAGE(S).    .    Common
.    PARENTS.    .    unnamed Keeper mother, unnamed Seeker father
.    SIBLINGS.    .    sisters, untold amount of brothers
.    OTHERS.    .    unknown number of aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc.
.    SIG. OTHER.    .    N/A
.    CHILDREN.    .    N/A
.    PET(S).    .    Rahm, Chocobo

.    POS. TRAITS.    .    friendly, flirty, helpful
.    NEG. TRAITS.    .    slightly judgemental, can be rude, has difficulty understanding sarcasm
.    LIKES.    .    flirting, teasing, healing, causing "problems" on purpose, being helpful if it's inconvenient to others, coffee, ice cream, sleeping in, cozy spaces, her siblings
.    DISLIKES.    .    fake people, unnecessarily rude commentary, assumptions, nicknames, being touched without explicit permission, medicine, lack of communication, not knowing what people want
.    MBTI.    .    INFJ-T
.    MORAL ALIGNMENT.    .    Good

.    BRIEF BIO    . Born in the Shroud with numerous siblings and familial pressures, Audra ditched her tribe and her name (arbitrarily picking the name she uses now) thus renouncing all that tied her to her blood. She joined a Free Company of random nerds and began acting as an informant, tracking down information and spying as necessary to ensure her newfound family's safety.Some siblings have found her, but she keeps them away to prevent her Keeper mother or Seeker father from dragging her back into responsibilities she doesn't want..    WORK    . Audra doubles as an informant and quest giver, should people wish for one to explore their character dynamic, or have character growth.She's able to provide and accept quest turn-ins during Nym cafe openings. If you would like to pick a quest up when the cafe is not open, reach out, and we can figure out an in-character location to exchange/begin dealing information.

.    HOOKS    . Audra owns a cafe that doubles as a neutral ground for information and mercenaries looking for jobs; and hopes to open more venues in the future.Audra used to work/still kind of works as a courtesan when needed, and especially enjoys receiving gifts and money for her time and energyOne may have seen her wandering around with a triad of orange-haired miqo'te as they barter and exchange goods at various hub citiesAudra intentionally works in somewhat questionable locations to meet people and gather information that might be of use later. When she's not adventuring across Eorzea playing music and obtaining information, you can find Audra lurking in whatever nightclub or café that catches her eye.



What matters is you and not the state of you.

― independent, private, selective Audra Colm from Final Fantasy XIV as written by her player

.    BARD ERA.    .
.        [ set within A Realm Reborn ]
Having just left her family and abandoned her birthname, Audra applies the skills she learned from hunting to the archers' guild to disappear into the crowd. She rarely spoke and absorbed the language and pronunciation of words around her to practice and hide the growls and rolling of R's.
.        [ set within Heavensward ]
After numerous close calls and worried moments during the incursion against the Garleans, Audra dabbled in healing and recovery magics. Biased against the magic of the elementals and Padjals, she looked to the stars for guidance and education. At the end of the Dragonsong war, Audra dedicated herself more and more to healing to keep those important to her alive.
.    PALADIN ERA.    .
.        [ set within Stormblood ]
With the Eorzean Alliance focusing on pushing back the Garlean forces out of Ala Mhigo, Audra dedicated herself to protection and safety. The massacre at Rhalgr's Reach was a catalyst for Audra learning new skills once again, deciding that shields and protection would have been more effective than just healing the wounds left behind. She did not join the front lines, but protected the medicus tents and other healers.

.        [ set within Shadowbringers ]
Audra carefully settles into Ishgard, moving into one of the numerous housing developments opened after the Dragonsong War. Needing something to focus on, she turns her house into a cafe, a lounge, a place where people can gather and find relaxation at a time of upheaval.
.        [ set within Endwalker ]
The Final Days approaching and looming overhead put Audra into overdrive. She gathered information, found and directed people to places that could use their skills and resources. She rarely slept, rarely let herself dwell on what was happening, because giving up and succumbing to fear was mentally never an option.
.    VERSE NAME.    .
.        [ set within Dawntrail ]
Audra focused her time on nurturing her connections, her information networks, and bettered her coffee brewing skills. The cafe renovated to include a bar and a stage, she eagerly awaits customers.


It's been so long since anyone listened to me talk, won't you stay?

― independent, private, selective Audra Colm from Final Fantasy XIV as written by her player



.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias


.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias